Welcome to Hayling Ferry Sailing Club

Hayling Ferry Sailing Club is a small, friendly club, superbly located at the western tip of Hayling Island. From our well equipped club house, our fleet of catamarans and monohulls enjoys some of the best sailing in the Solent and the south coast of England.

New members are always welcome whether you own a boat or not.

Submitted by admin on Tue, 12/09/2023 - 21:41
RYA training at HFSC

A decent F4-5 blowing from the west meant more chop than expected for a seafronts race, following (or attempting to follow) the traditional course upwind around Fairway to the "Castle" channel marker (just off Southsea Castle), downwind all the way to West Pole just off Chichester Harbour entrance, then upwind again around Fairway back to the club finish.

The long upwind slogs against short period chop were uncomfortable for some but downwind for the entire length of Southsea and Hayling seafronts was a blast for the spinnaker boats.

Submitted by admin on Fri, 11/08/2023 - 13:09
Pacific with Clive, Miranda, and Wesley

F4-5 forecast cross offshore (but mostly blowing straight up the solent from the west) and low-tide presented a good opportunity to run a 3 forts race following the traditional course of Horse Sand to starboard, Spitbank to port, No Man's Land to port, then passing Horse Sand to port on the return to the club finish line. We tend to think of this as a big race but even with limited chances to fly the kite, Richard and Charlie (F18) completed the race in just over 1 hour and 6 minutes.

Submitted by admin on Mon, 17/07/2023 - 13:11

It's always a shame when we don't get to race especially after making a real effort to get to the club. But if there's any doubt that it was a bit too "heavy" yesterday please have a look at the graph below. Back in 2020 I plotted the wind speed, gust, and direction as recorded by Chimet for a couple of windy races both of which were at the limit of what any of us were OK to sail in. I hoped to get an idea of what we'd experienced for comparison and for future reference.

Submitted by admin on Sun, 02/07/2023 - 18:46
Dart 16 sailing fast

Another memorable race, this time in the harbour with a blustery and shifting WNW F4-5 providing a challenging sail. The course was set for 2 laps of NW Sinah and Bridge channel marks with the usual club start/finish. Technically, 4 boats were out although in practice 3 boats raced, with Ian and Amanda happy to cruise on their sensibly reefed Pacific. Kieron and Brent on a club SL16 were blasting along and would have finished well if they'd sailed the right course while Dave gave a masterclass in singe-handing a club Dart 16 in the testing conditions.

Submitted by admin on Sun, 25/06/2023 - 20:42
Boats by the slipway

A glorious warm, sunny, breezy day. The course was set for 3 anticlockwise laps of Fairway, Outer, Inner with a final port turn around Fairway. Conditions were pretty good with a steadily building F4-5 S veering SW, although it was heavy going at times on the upwind leg from Inner to Fairway. Three laps was hard-work but satisfying and the race time was within our usual target or 1.5 to 2 hours. Despite a slow start dealing with technical issues, Richard and Justin made short work moving up through the fleet and beating the other 2 F18s convincingly.

Submitted by admin on Sun, 21/05/2023 - 01:03
Island Cup 2023

A good year for the Island Cup! A great turnout of 11 boats enjoyed a reasonably warm NE F4-5. The course was set for an anti-clockwise first leg along Hayling seafront around Fairway and West Pole and up Chichester Harbour to the bridge.

Paul and Charlie (Dart 18) got the best start but the downwind speed of the spinnaker boats helped them get to the turn around Fairway first and leave the flood tide in the channel holding the rest of the fleet back.

Submitted by admin on Mon, 01/05/2023 - 11:23

Registration is now open for the 2023 Solent Forts Race, taking place at Hayling Ferry Sailing Club over the weekend of the 3rd and 4th June. The weekend will follow a similar format to previous years with a practice race on Saturday afternoon, followed by the Band on the Beach party in the evening, with the main race taking place on Sunday.

Submitted by admin on Mon, 24/04/2023 - 20:45
Pursuit race

Congratulations to Steve and Jennie who won the first race of the season. A pursuit race around marks in Langstone Harbour proved tricky for all with the tide and a shifting breeze helping and hindering in equal measure. Richard and Dave enjoyed an impressive start on the club SL16 only to find themselves becalmed at the start of their second lap. The marks were hard to spot from opposite sides of the harbour which was a particular challenge for Fen and Adrian on a club Dart 16. The sun shone for a bit and the breeze was at times half-decent. Not a bad start to the year.