Welcome to Hayling Ferry Sailing Club

Hayling Ferry Sailing Club is a small, friendly club, superbly located at the western tip of Hayling Island. From our well equipped club house, our fleet of catamarans and monohulls enjoys some of the best sailing in the Solent and the south coast of England.

New members are always welcome whether you own a boat or not.

Submitted by admin on Thu, 08/10/2020 - 20:28
FX one

HFSC’s second event of the season was a pursuit race. Unlike a normal elapsed time race where all the boats start together and finish at different times, a pursuit race is the other way round – the duration of the race is fixed (in this case 2 hours), and the boats start at different times depending on their relative handicaps (so the slowest boat starts first). The order of the boats on the water at the 2 hour mark decides their race finish positions.

Submitted by admin on Thu, 26/03/2020 - 22:48

Following the 29th March lockdown easing, the RYA have confirmed that sailing clubs can reopen for both organised and informal sailing. From 12th April the club house can be accessed only to use changing rooms and toilets so race briefings should be outside. No camping at the club for now but technically self-contained overnight stays (i.e. motorhomes with facilities) are permitted. The Rule of 6/2 households applies outside of any organised activity at the club including socialising before and after a race.

Submitted by admin on Fri, 07/06/2019 - 21:54

The weather forecast for Sunday is good and currently we expect that the Solent Forts Race will go ahead as planned.

If Saturday’s conditions are as forecast then the practice race may be cancelled or run later than scheduled.

The entertainment planned for Saturday evening will go ahead as planned. If people wish to arrive during the evening then there will be no problem with registration. Bar opens at 18:00, food from 19:00, band on at 20:00.

Submitted by andyc on Mon, 02/07/2018 - 12:56

Warm winds and sunshine saw a good turnout for this year's Island Cup with 9 boats starting and finishing including 6 Dart 18s. Conditions were lighter than expected with a shifting NE wind for the seafront and Chichester harbour legs favouring those at the front of the fleet. After a mostly liquid lunch stop at Langstone Sailing Club, and with the wind now blowing from the SW, the fleet squeezed their way through the old railway into Langstone harbour searching for the best wind for the beat home.

Submitted by admin on Thu, 14/06/2018 - 18:15

The club has a new anemometer which replaces the long-serving but increasingly decrepit old one. A key feature of the new one is that it is bluetooth enabled so you can download an app to your Android or Apple smart phone and see what the wind is doing from anywhere within a 50+ metre radius of the clubhouse.

App details and instructions are on the website on the club anemometer page.