Club news

News and notices
Submitted by admin on Tue, 21/06/2016 - 12:08

The sun shone (some of the time), the wind blew, the band played, and a great weekend was had by all!

Thanks to all club members and others who put in so much hard work to make both the race and the Band on the Beach a resounding success.

For the race report and results have a look at, and for lots of photos and a couple of impressive videos, check out the Solent Forts Race facebook page.

Submitted by admin on Fri, 08/04/2016 - 13:24

It's time for the spring season racing and in a change to the traditional routine, we will be changing the format a little.

First off, there will be 3 shorter races rather than 2 longer ones. The first 2 will be back to back. Everyone is welcome, whether experienced or not - the emphasis is on inclusion rather than serious racing, so if you've never done it before, why don't you give it a go in a safe and welcoming environment.
